Nurture Mentorship Foundation Donation
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Kolena Foundation | Helping a veteran
Senior Careers Prepare Yourself for Business Ownership

Let's Further Career's

Are you looking for ways to advance your career and achieve your goals? If so, you might want to consider investing in your education, mentoring, and leadership skills. These three areas can help you grow as a professional and stand out from the competition. Here’s how:

  • Education: Education is not just about getting a degree or a certificate. It’s about learning new skills, knowledge, and perspectives that can help you solve problems, innovate, and adapt to changing situations. Education can also help you expand your network, discover new opportunities, and increase your credibility. Whether you choose to enroll in a formal program, take an online course, or attend a workshop, education can help you stay relevant and competitive in your field.
  • Mentoring: Mentoring is a relationship where a more experienced or knowledgeable person helps a less experienced or knowledgeable person achieve their goals. Mentoring can benefit both the mentor and the mentee by providing feedback, advice, support, and guidance. Mentoring can also help you develop your communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills. Whether you seek a mentor or become one, mentoring can help you learn from others’ experiences, insights, and perspectives.
  • Leadership: Leadership is not just about having a title or a position. It’s about influencing others to achieve a common vision or goal. Leadership can help you inspire, motivate, and empower others to perform at their best. Leadership can also help you build trust, collaboration, and accountability among your team members. Whether you lead a project, a department, or an organization, leadership can help you make a positive impact and create value.

By investing in your education, mentoring, and leadership skills, you can boost your career and achieve your goals. These three areas can help you grow as a professional and stand out from the competition. If you want to learn more about how to improve your education, mentoring, and leadership skills, contact us today. We can help you find the best programs and resources for your needs.

Along with our partners, we offer a proven ready Collaborative-Community Portal for 1) students, veterans, educators, and employers 2) participants access to relevant resources; and 3) linking industry leaders, sector professionals, and academics in support of learning and workforce preparation.

  • Pathway Grids – Leading to Industry-Based Certified Online Learning Educational courses
  • Industry Leading Platform – Responsive learning platform for sector-specific information deployable across the region and the diversity of collaboratives.
  • Community Dashboard – Promote events, job boards, and mentorship programs
  • Resource Library – Includes Collaborative events, podcasts, study rooms, blogs posts, jobs/internships/mentorships, and social collaboration
  • 365/24/7 Access – Developed with the new working environment in mind for desktop and mobile users

Responsive| Solution-Based Examples | Strategic Collaborative Partner | Digital

You will learn business-critical skills and strategies anywhere there are! Our partner's courses cover a variety of topics such as:

  • Sales & Marketing
  • Career Development
  • Personal Development
  • Human Resources 
  • Supervisors and Managers
  • Workplace Essentials
  • Creativity Courses
  • Leadership
  • Social Learning
Nurture Mentorship Foundation Donation

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Certificate Programs

Join us today to help new members on their journey of creative learning with one of our memberships and earn your Certificate of Completion!

Communicating effectively means that your ideas and concepts are being heard and people are acting upon them. It also means you are able to listen, understand, and take action on what other people say. The hard part about business communication is that people often don’t know they are not conversing clearly.  Let’s us help you get the results you need and want in your career.

8 Keys to Veterans Success

By affirming support for the 8 Keys to Veterans’ Success, your institution is expressing its commitment to implement the promising practices outlined in the 8 Keys, as follows:

  1. Create a culture of trust and connectedness across the campus community to promote well-being and success for veterans.
  2. Ensure consistent and sustained support from campus leadership.
  3. Implement an early alert system to ensure all veterans receive academic, career, and financial advice before challenges become overwhelming.
  4. Coordinate and centralize campus efforts for all veterans, together with the creation of a designated space for them (even if limited in size).
  5. Collaborate with local communities and organizations, including government agencies, to align and coordinate various services for veterans.
  6. Utilize a uniform set of data tools to collect and track information on veterans, including demographics, retention, and degree completion.
  7. Provide comprehensive professional development for faculty and staff on issues and challenges unique to veterans.
  8. Develop systems that ensure sustainability of effective practices for veterans.

The Principles of Excellence

The Principles of Excellence guidelines are as follows:

  1. Provide students with a personalized form covering the total cost of an education program.
  2. Provide educational plans for all military and Veteran education beneficiaries.
  3. End fraudulent and aggressive recruiting techniques and misrepresentations.
  4. Accommodate Service members and Reservists absent due to service requirements.
  5. Designate a point of contact to provide academic and financial advice.
  6. Ensure accreditation of all new programs prior to enrolling students.
  7. Align institutional refund policies with those under Title IV, which governs the administration of federal student financial aid programs.

Audio Book
Bonus Program

Kolena Foundation | TSOP audio copy1
Kolena Foundation | Back cover

Making High Pressure, Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protect and Enhance You and Everyone

We’re not talking about outside-in-based protection, through insurance, legal contracts, bodyguards, security surveillance systems, or cyberware. Although very useful, these are reactive and therefore limited.

If a leader creates negativity or makes wrong decisions it always comes back in some shape or form. We’re talking about proactive universal inside-out based protection, where the right thought at the right time is your saving grace and new inspiration.

Listen to a little snippet from the book.

The Science of Protection is a six-step journey that helps ensure your achievement is based on the firm and universal foundation of protection, which helps protect you and your progress without suffering.  Your purchase includes an electronic copy of the Science of Protection.

Leadership problems and failures start from weaknesses in the mind which then translate into behavior and action. Leaders of today and the future have to be more familiar with what truly develops their leadership mind so they have greater awareness to make the right decisions. The Science of Protection will put you on the forefront of how to do this.

We welcome you to a new era of leadership, where protection is the deepest foundation to build your achievement. A foundation that protects you, your team and your achievements, enabling you to have a protected advantage in creating stellar success and become an enlightened leader who protects your world and everyone in it.


The contents of the audio book include:

Opening Credits: The Science of Protection: Making High Pressure, Impactful Leadership Decisions That Protects & Enhances You & Everyone

Back Cover: Protection is the New Fair Advantage for Any Leader, CEO & Investor

Endorsements: From CEOs & Entrepreneurs

Preface: The Catalyst for this Book

Introduction: How Leaders Can Protect Themselves, Their Team & Their Achievements

Chapter 1: The Universal Force of Protection

Chapter 2: The Myths, Reality & Future of Leadership

Chapter 3: Purification: Purifying Fear of Loss, Stress, Bad Impressions & Inner Enemies

Chapter 4: Coherence: The CEO of You

Chapter 5: The Leadership State: The Awake Truthful Creative Mind

Chapter 6: Capacity: Expanded Awareness & Focus to Handle Anything

Chapter 7: Spontaneous Right Action: Timely Evolutionary Action to Achieve Victory Before War

Chapter 8: Deserving Power: Having Good Merit & Support to Get, Protect & Sustain What You Want

Chapter 9: Protection Setting: That Which You Protect, You Keep

Chapter 10: The Science of Protection Summarized: The Wholeness That Integrates All the Parts Together

Appendix 1: CEO Endorsement Letter

Appendix 2: GM Endorsement Letter

Appendix 3: Entrepreneur Endorsement Letter

Additional Resources: Protection Affirmations

Acknowledgements: The experts and support behind this book

About the Authors

Thank you: Inspiring Protection-based Leadership

Closing Credits

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