Veterans Make a Difference

In partnership with other Veterans Oriented Service Club our mutual goal is to bring the unhoused Veteran population to ZERO!

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Ways to Help Veterans and Their Families

What is the Mission of Project Zero?

The mission is simple: bring the unhoused Veteran population down to zero. To do this, we have the potential to partner with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Homeless Veterans Program, Veterans Matter and The National Exchange Clubs to work with us in identifying the number of unhoused Veterans in their state, as well as planning and collaborating with other Exchange Clubs to help our Heroes (and their significant others and especially their children) find safe, permanent housing.

Nothing speaks to the ideals of Americanism more than helping our Veterans and their families, preserving family units, and collectively making our communities stronger and safer in the process. The Kolena Foundation, Veterans Matters, and The National Exchange Clubs across the United States are joining together to help house our unhoused Heroes. Through Project Zero, we can partner all the programs of Exchange with this important initiative. Let’s bring our Heroes home … for good!


No Veteran should be without a place to call home

Kolena Foundation | va hud homelessness seal

The Veterans Administrations and the Housing Urban Development are prioritizing this effort at the highest levels. Staff in both agencies are working collaboratively to significantly reduce the number of Veterans experiencing homelessness and to prevent Veterans from experiencing homelessness in the future.

Ending Veteran Homelessness a Top Priority

Kolena Foundation | homeless

Evidence and past progress on reducing Veteran homelessness demonstrate a Housing First approach works. HUD and VA are reinforcing Housing First, including through targeted interventions such as HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH), Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)

Evidence-Based Housing First Approach

Kolena Foundation | support group

Supportive services are critical to helping Veterans find and retain housing. These services serve as a platform for achieving health, recovery, and economic success. 

Delivery of Quality Supportive Services

Hero Story: A Veteran and his family housed through support from Exchange Club

Phil is a formerly unhoused Navy Veteran from South Carolina: “My family and I (including my 3 daughters) have been homeless since the beginning of Covid. Last couple of years we have been in and out of hotels. As expensive as hotels are it seemed what money we did get would be gone because of the hotels. Hard to find any place because of Covid going on. Knowing if we did, how would we get an apartment of our own, because of the cost of these hotels. At times thinking we were in this never-ending cycle and were never going to find a place. At times I felt it was too much and thought about giving up. Moving forward, your organization has meant the world to us. We are finally in our home, we are finally not homeless. We feel there is hope and we thank you all so much for that. This could have not happened without your help.”

25% of the Veterans Veterans Matter houses have children. Thousands of children are now able to sleep in their own bed, attend school, have clean clothes, and be proud of their new home. Youth of today need security. Having a home and family around them provides this element of love and warmth.

Kolena Foundation | Hero Story Phil

What can you do

America is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. One of the bravest things one can do is put on the uniform to risk all to defend our country.

Many of those brave soldiers are hurting right now. There are 37,252 homeless Veterans on the streets of our nation – they need YOUR help today!

Our simple yet innovative and efficient process has reduced the Veteran’s waiting time for permanent housing from weeks to literally minutes. This means YOU can help house a Veteran Hero right now.

How it works

Kolena works with Veterans Matter and the local clubs of The National Exchange Club directly with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and local VA Homeless Programs to provide rental deposits and the Veteran’s portion of the first month’s rent for chronically homeless veterans.

In other words, if you are the veteran sitting with a newly signed lease for YOUR  own apartment but lack the funds for the security deposit, your VA social worker requests it from Veterans Matter. Your conforming request is automatically approved and the landlord hands you the keys and you cross the threshold. Welcome home soldier.

Yes, it’s that easy.

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