
Ready To Take On The Jobs Of Tomorrow?

The future of work starts with us as individuals. We believe entrepreneurship is key but unfortunately our traditional education systems have evolved in such a way that leaves little room for divergent thinking. Kolena is positioned to disrupt education for the lifelong learner across industry. As we focus on this, our additional commitment is to make those transitions in our lives transparent. Our research shows creativity programs allow our brain to stave off disease, explore new and exciting solutions, and maintain a healthier life overall.

Our wide range of creative solutions are built for your most strategic business challenges.

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Strategic planning

Kolena provides reskilling through education to support human capital and workforce transformation strategies. 

Educators estimate that 85% of Edtech tools are accessed incorrectly or poorly implemented. We work directly to support decision-makers and offer a variety of services to help educators and Corporations make better-informed decisions about Edtech tools and how to best implement them in their learning spaces.

Let us help you learn what’s is working in your Company or School and what is no longer useful. Receive a 2-page, infographic-style report showing where you stand in relation to contextually similar districts on which tools are in use, dollars expended on each purchase, and tool usage relative to usage goal.

One-On-One coaching

One-on-one coaching offering is the process of one person helping another overcome an issue or improve performance. It revolves around sharing experiences and knowledge around specific topics or areas, showing how to best approach different situations, and laying out the steps that should be used when executing the task.

Book some time today with our experts.

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Entrepreneurship Strategy

With new businesses accounting for nearly all net new job creation, small businesses have become the engines that are driving our economy. Yet, one-third of small businesses will fail within their first two years, and fifty percent will fail within five years. Not all entrepreneurs are entrepreneurial, and those who lack an entrepreneurial mindset are at a distinct disadvantage to compete in the market.

A small business owner with an entrepreneurial mindset can see opportunities where others see none. And a small business owner who is entrepreneurial will work to overcome self-limiting beliefs and take action to bring ideas to fruition, leveraging the resources at hand. An entrepreneurial mindset understands that building a brand of reliability and following through on simple solutions can lead to unforeseen opportunities. An entrepreneurial mindset will empower a small business owner to persist through challenges and self-doubt by building upon self-efficacy moments of success through the entrepreneurial process.

Please take our Leadership Protection Quotient Assessment for Start-up Leaders.  After the Assessment, you’ll be able to set up a FREE 30 minutes session with us.

Nonprofit Strategy

Nonprofit organizations are addressing the world’s greatest social, environmental, and economic challenges yet are often operating in resource-constrained environments. Nonprofit leaders and employees are required to be resourceful with time, money, and people to advance their cause. Yet, heavy reliance on volunteers and grant funding can be a challenge that will require a new focus on innovative ways to drive sustainability.

An entrepreneurial mindset can drive innovation in nonprofits by providing a new framework for thinking and acting. It an empower nonprofit leaders and employees to recognize opportunity, remain adaptable through setbacks, and become effective problem solvers in resource-constrained environments. Entrepreneurial nonprofits are resourceful with time, people, and money and find innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

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